Engagement in and awareness of development cooperation among Danes is paramount for DIB, the Danish civil society, and the Danish development cooperation. Hence, at DIB we tell about our projects and cooperation with partners in developing countries, and engage more volunteers in our organization and our projects.

We are present in public meetings, fairs, and events, and we also reach out to schools and institutions to tell about our work and the importance of the Danish development cooperation.

Didier Larsen på CISU Højskole 2023

Didier Larsen til stede på CISUs Højskole 2023, hvor han talte med andre civilsamfundsorganisationer om udviklingslandenes tiltag inden for bæredygtighed, som han dækker med mediet NyTænk.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with DIB with your course of studies, workplace, or organization (or you are aware of a fourth overt place), we will come and meet you, so contact the office at dib@dib.dk.

We also have projects that precisely deal with disseminating knowledge about and generate commitment to development cooperation, and give Danes a wider insight on the reasons why our work and continuous engagement in development cooperation is so important.

NyTænk (2021-2023)

NyTænk is our project funded by CISU's engagement grant. The main goal of the project is to engage business students in Denmark in the green transition and foster an increased interest for development cooperation, with inspiration from local, innovative climate solutions in South Asia - i.a. through the production of NyTænk.

Two journalists, Didier Larsen and Mie Olsen are behind the development of NyTænk, as well as the collection of journalistic material, the cooperation with the business students. In 2021 they visited DIB's partners in Bangladesh and Nepal, and documented local sustainable climate solutions and interviews many of the local residents.
The local solutions, on which they particularly focused, are renewable energy, agriculture, construction, and technology, and the business students can use these stories as inspiration for their own future work.

I Nepal har de installeret en vandturbine, som udelukkende kører på flodvand fra toppen af bjerget i landsbyen og ned i dalen. Dette var et af de projekter som DIB havde været med til at etablere, i samarbejde med vores lokale samarbejdspartner CHILDREN Nepal.

With NyTænk we wish to involve a target group that is often neglected with the development cooperation in the Global South, but that at the same time has and will be very meaningful for the green transition in Denmark. We look forward to see how the project will develop, and how it will be addressed further. The project is carried out in partnership withe the business school U/Nord, which is an association of educational institutions in Northern Sjælland.