Namaste from Luise (on the right).I have just returned home from a very enlightening internship with CHILDREN-Nepal. I study Disaster and Risk Management at København Professionshøjskole and I did a 21-weeks internship with two of my colleagues, Emma and Freja.

In this blog update I would like to tell about some of the workshops/internship tasks that I performed alone or together with my fellow interns. It has been a crucial experience for me to work together with CN in Nepal.

First aid training with the employees at CN

In relation to my internship it occurred to me that many of the employees at CHILDREN-Nepal had never under undertaken a first aid training. So I came up with the decision to make a first aid training for all the employees in the organization.

Among other things, the participants in the course learned cardiopulmonary resuscitation, for which they were very happy and that they learned smoothly. The senior manager praised my teaching and he was pleased that it was so practical, as the teaching the normally get from the state is very theoretical.

So. how many people were trained in first aid before my training? You would guess that most people from Nepal would have experienced first aid courses during their lives. The reality told us something different. During the course that day, only 8 out of the 24 participants had completed a course like that before.

It was a really good day with a lot of smiles from everyone in the organization.

Collection of life-changing stories

One of the tasks of my internship with CHILDREN-Nepal was to evaluate the ongoing project Food for ThoughtFood for ThoughtThe Food for Thought project is carried out in partnership with DIB and its main goal is to: "Increase the production of vegetables of the local communities and improve the nutrition of children and youth through healthier school meals" The partnership is carried out with eight schools in the rural areas around Pokhara, in central Nepal.

From this project the wish of CN and DIB was to collect some life-changing stories from the different schools which are a part of the project. I have visited five schools and collected many different stories.

A girl from one of the schools said: " I know a lot more about doing organic farming, and how to compost and what chemicals there is in the food from the market. I have learned how to do good organic farming, and learned that it is much better for my health. After I have learned all these things and I am eating more vegetables, I have also become happier”

This reflects the same trend that many of the kids I have interviewed repeated and expressed about. Therefore from my perspective, tangible change has happened with many of the schools included in the project. A change that entails that many kids have now the opportunity to eat in a healthier way, and to learn about organic and sustainable farming.

The wish to make Fulbari a better place

One of the last internship tasks that we got the chance to perform, was to create a workshop at the CN's Fulbari Resource Center, where the focus is set on biodiversity and climate. At the same time we also wanted to make Fulbari a cozier place to be.

Some days before the workshop I was at the Fulbari Center with my fellow intern Emma, and our two chiefs, Dilly and Shiva. Here we went through all the gardens and came up with ideas regarding what to do with the different areas. Here we discussed about building a bench somewhere, where people could sit and enjoy the view. This talk ended in a short workshop at CN's office, where our colleagues got the chance to come up with their own thoughts and ideas for Fulbari.  

The same day of the workshop all the employees were at the Fulbari Center, and we got to do a lot of work. I got the chance to plant many flowers, and I saw it as a sign that hopefully in a couple of years I will very gladly come back and see them.

It was really a cozy day and it was very cool to make a difference for the climate

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