Become a member for 100 kr. or donate an amount of your choosing
You can send 100 kr. to our account in the Merkur bank with registration nr. 8401 and account nr. 1265380 or with MobilePay: nr 94620.
Your support makes a great difference and help us to reach our goals.
Remember to note your name on the transaction - and your mail also, so we can greet you welcome and we can reach you with our newsletters.
Our members also makes a huge difference for our organization, in terms of being able to seek larger grants. DIB needs to have at least 50 yearly paying members for us, to be able to search for grants at CISU and to keep doing projects with our partners in the South - and we would love to keep that going. Read more about memberships here.
Donate an amount of your choosing
You're welcome to contact DIB on our mail at, if you want your contribution to go towards something special you care about.
A contribution to DIB's work - big and small - means a lot to a small organization like ours. Your contribution will enable us to develop our informational activities in Denmark, maintain a well-functioning and present secretariat, establish stable volunteer groups and increase awareness of the organization and its achievements. Our major development projects are often funded through specific project grants.